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Wood Fences & Wooden Privacy Fence Installation near Snohomish


Wood Fences & Wooden Privacy Fence Installation near Snohomish

All About Fence has your wood fences and wooden privacy fence installation near Snohomish. There really is nothing quite like the beauty of wood. It can be set up as a picket fence, or as an upright board privacy fence. Both cedar and redwood make beautiful wood fences, and present home and business owners with options for their finish. They can be left as natural wood. As such, they will weather to a beautiful gray patina. At that point, you can add a preserving finish to help maintain your fence or simply rely on the wood’s natural weather resistance. Or you can preserve the new wood finish with a clear preservative finish that will let the natural contrast of heartwood and pulpwood shine through for many years.


A privacy fence has many obvious purposes. One is to allow you, your family and guests to enjoy your backyard or patio without sharing with your neighbors. Another could be to hide unsightly installations, such as a trash disposal unit or a collection of old cars. But one purpose that is not discussed a lot is to serve as a background for beautiful, tall flowers and ornamentals. Hollyhocks and Delphiniums both make a brave showing against a privacy fence. Pampas grass, evergreens, and elephant ears are three more ornamental plantings that come to mind. The fence provides a backdrop that almost acts as a canvas for a natural painting of plants.


All About Fence has your wood fences and wooden privacy fence installation near Snohomish, just call us at (425)268-9779 to learn more. Summer is a fantastic time to install a new fence before you start in on landscaping details. Working around existing landscaping features can be a challenge, but we will do our best.