All About Fence can help with your spring garden fence installation service & repair in Marysville. Early spring is a good time to think about protecting your tender lettuces and peas before they start poking their heads up out of the ground.
Whether the economy is going boom or bust, planting a garden is like buying a lottery ticket. You are almost certain to get something, but whether it will be a tiny prize that barely recoups your investment, or whether it is one of those big prizes that can set you up for life, is a toss-up. Fortunately, with gardening you can take some steps to even up the odds. One of those steps is to install a sturdy garden fence that will admit sunlight, provide easy access to your garden spot and keep out predators great and small. As a gardener, you probably already know about the depredations of those ambitious little Peter Rabbits, and if you live in deer country, you know that Bambi just laughs at three-foot fences. A six-foot chain link fence that hugs the ground is often a good choice. A PVC coating on the fence helps protect it from the moisture that is likely to occur around a garden.
All About Fence can help with your spring garden fence installation service & repair in Marysville, just call us at (425)268-9779. We will be happy to help with repairing or refurbishing an existing fence or to install a new one. Peter Rabbit, Thumper and Bambi are wonderful in the woods and meadow, but not so delightful in your lettuce or corn patch. A good fence can help keep your vegetables safe, while simultaneously enhancing your enjoyment of wildlife in your area.